Standard Return Period: If you’re looking to return your item, we’re happy to refund your order if returned within 14 days. Please note this excludes earrings and lip rings.
Christmas Returns Period: We’ve extended our returns policy for the festive season, all online orders placed between 1st November - 24th December can be returned or exchanged up until 31st January. Please note this excludes earrings. For purchases made from 25 December onwards, our normal refund policy applies.
Returned items will always be refunded to the original payment method used when placing your order, including Daisy gift cards.
- Credit or Debit Card - We will credit your account within 5-10 working days of receipt of your items.
- Pay Pal - Your refund will be visible in your PayPal account within 24 hours of your refund email being sent.
*Please note customs duties and additional fees paid are non-refundable.